I'm gonna overwrite a lot of this notebook's old content. I changed the way I'm calculating wt, and wanna test that my training worked.

In [1]:
from pearce.emulator import OriginalRecipe, ExtraCrispy, SpicyBuffalo
from pearce.mocks import cat_dict
import numpy as np
from os import path

In [2]:
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import seaborn as sns

In [3]:
training_file = '/scratch/users/swmclau2/xi_zheng07_cosmo_lowmsat/PearceRedMagicXiCosmoFixedNd.hdf5'
test_file = '/scratch/users/swmclau2/xi_zheng07_cosmo_test//PearceRedMagicXiCosmoFixedNd_Test.hdf5'
em_method = 'gbdt'
#split_method = 'random'

In [4]:
a = 1.0
z = 1.0/a - 1.0

In [5]:
fixed_params = {'z':z}#, 'r':24.06822623}
np.random.seed(0) emu = OriginalRecipe(training_file, method = em_method, fixed_params=fixed_params,\ custom_mean_function = 'linear', downsample_factor=0.02)#, #hyperparams = {'n_estimators': 500, # 'max_depth': 5})

In [6]:
estimators = 100
emu = SpicyBuffalo(training_file, method = em_method, fixed_params=fixed_params,
                 custom_mean_function = 'linear', downsample_factor = 1.0,
                  hyperparams = {'n_estimators': estimators})#, 'max_depth': depth})

/home/users/swmclau2/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pearce/emulator/emu.py:287: UserWarning: WARNING: NaN detected. Skipped 21 points in training data.
  warnings.warn('WARNING: NaN detected. Skipped %d points in training data.' % (num_skipped))
40000 18
gof = emu.goodness_of_fit(test_file, statistic = 'log_frac') #print gof.mean(), np.median(gof) for g in gof: print g.mean(), np.median(g) print '*'*50

In [7]:
for i in xrange(50):    
    params = {}

    for pname in emu.get_param_names():
        if pname == 'r':
        low, high = emu.get_param_bounds(pname)
        params[pname] = np.random.uniform(low, high)
    pred_y = emu.emulate_wrt_r(params)[0]
    plt.plot(emu.scale_bin_centers, pred_y)
    #print pred_y
    #print params

In [8]:
for i, (g, r) in enumerate(zip(gof, emu.scale_bin_centers)):
    print r, g.mean(), np.median(g)

NameErrorTraceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-8-450638e57f5f> in <module>()
----> 1 for i, (g, r) in enumerate(zip(gof, emu.scale_bin_centers)):
      2     print r, g.mean(), np.median(g)
      3     #plt.hist(np.log10(g))
      4     #plt.show()

NameError: name 'gof' is not defined
plt.hist(np.log10(gof) );
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
x, y, yerr = emu.x, emu.y, emu.yerr downsample_idxs = np.random.choice(x.shape[0], size = int(0.08*x.shape[0]), replace = False) x,y, yerr = x[downsample_idxs, :], y[downsample_idxs], yerr[downsample_idxs] train_x, test_x, train_y, test_y, train_yerr, test_yerr = train_test_split(x, y, yerr, test_size = 0.1)

In [ ]:
n_cosmo_params = 7
loo_cosmo = emu.x[0, 0,  :n_cosmo_params]

loo_cosmo_idxs = np.all(emu.x[:, :,:n_cosmo_params] == loo_cosmo, axis =2)
train_x, train_y, train_yerr = emu.x[~loo_cosmo_idxs, :], emu.y[ ~loo_cosmo_idxs], emu.yerr[ ~loo_cosmo_idxs]
test_x, test_y, test_yerr = emu.x[loo_cosmo_idxs, :], emu.y[loo_cosmo_idxs], emu.yerr[loo_cosmo_idxs]
train_x, train_y, train_yerr = emu.x, emu.y, emu.yerr

In [ ]:
model = emu._emulator
model.compute(train_x, train_yerr)
test_x, test_y, test_yerr, _ = emu.get_data(test_file,fixed_params, None)

In [ ]:
pred_y = model.predict(train_y, test_x, False, False, False)*emu._y_std + emu._y_mean

In [ ]:
for idx in xrange(50): plt.plot(emu.scale_bin_centers, ypred[idx*emu.n_bins:(idx+1)*emu.n_bins], label = 'Emu') plt.plot(emu.scale_bin_centers, emu.y[idx*emu.n_bins:(idx+1)*emu.n_bins], label = 'True') plt.title(np.sum(emu.x[(idx+1)*emu.n_bins, :-1]) ) plt.legend(loc='best') plt.xscale('log') plt.show()

In [ ]:
queue_skipper: True
        system: sherlock
        n_jobs: 400
        max_time: 6
resids = np.abs(emu.y*emu._y_std+emu._y_mean - ypred)

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
ypred.mean(), emu._y_mean
plt.plot(emu.scale_bin_centers, np.abs(gof.mean(axis = 0)) ) plt.plot(emu.scale_bin_centers, np.ones_like(emu.scale_bin_centers)*0.01) plt.plot(emu.scale_bin_centers, np.ones_like(emu.scale_bin_centers)*0.05) plt.plot(emu.scale_bin_centers, np.ones_like(emu.scale_bin_centers)*0.1) plt.loglog();
plt.plot(emu.scale_bin_centers, np.abs(gof.T),alpha = 0.1, color = 'b') plt.plot(emu.scale_bin_centers, np.ones_like(emu.scale_bin_centers)*0.01, lw = 2, color = 'k') plt.loglog();

In [ ]:
test_gof = emu.goodness_of_fit(test_file, statistic = 'log_frac')
print test_gof.mean()

In [ ]:
test_gof = emu.goodness_of_fit(test_file, statistic = 'frac')
print test_gof.mean()

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
(emu.x*emu._x_std) + emu._x_mean

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
test_x_white, test_y_white = (test_x - emu._x_mean)/(emu._x_std + 1e-5), (test_y - emu._y_mean)/(emu._y_std + 1e-5)

In [ ]:
model = emu._emulator

In [ ]:
pred_y_white = model.predict(emu.y, test_x_white, False, False, False)

In [ ]:
pred_y = pred_y_white*emu._y_std + emu._y_mean

In [ ]:
plt.plot(pred_y[:100], label = 'pred')
plt.plot(test_y[:100], label = 'truth')

plt.legend(loc = 'best')

In [ ]:
test_y.mean(), emu._y_mean, pred_y.mean()

In [ ]:
test_y.std(), emu._y_std, pred_y.std()

In [ ]:
plt.hist(pred_y_white, bins = np.linspace(-3, 3, 100), label = 'Pred')
plt.hist(test_y_white, bins = np.linspace(-3, 3, 100), label = 'Test', alpha = 0.4);
plt.legend(loc = 'best')

In [ ]:

In [ ]: